Is CBD Safe?

Assuming the starting material was a quality product, CBD is completely safe and is considered to be non-toxic. Studies also concluded that daily doses of CBD (700mg) for 6 weeks did not induce any toxicity in patients. Meaning long-term daily consumption of CBD is also safe.

Can you overdose on CBD?

No! CBD is non-toxic, meaning no fatal overdose levels have ever been reported. Several studies have evaluated the safety of CBD in adults and concluded that it’s well tolerated across a wide range of doses – up to 1,500 mg/day – that’s a lot, way more than the average person would need!


Are there side effects?

Sure, but they are neither common nor serious.

Drowsiness: Many people describe the effect of CBD as a ‘wave of relief’ or a ‘calming sensation.’ It’s worth noting that these feelings can manifest as drowsiness in high doses.

Dry Mouth: Recently, scientists confirmed that there are in fact cannabinoid receptors in the salivary glands of humans. CBD interacts with these cannabinoid receptors and inhibits the secretion of saliva – which can cause ‘cotton mouth’.

Low Blood Pressure: Very high doses of CBD can induce a slight drop in blood pressure that is often associated with mild lightheadedness.

Lightheadedness: As described above, some consumers experience mild feelings of lightheadedness as a result of the slight drop in blood pressure.

Inhibition of Hepatic Drug Metabolism: This one sounds worse than it is. If you’ve ever heard a physician caution eating a grapefruit with certain medications, this is the same effect.

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